One of our own

Ayrton Kulhawec, a member of the Plast Victoria community, is still in Ukraine, working as a volunteer de-mining. The work he is undertaking is selfless – risking his life to allow others to live by removing the mines that kill and maim.

We have been given permission to re-share this information by Ayton’s family,
Paul Kulhawec. Some of them are from Ayrton and his team, and one taken by Australian war journalist Bryce Wilson.

Once we would wonder how we would feel if this would be our child… now we know, as we are all Aryton’s friends and family.

Plast KPS Australia has supported Ayrton. His work is unfunded as he is a volunteer. Plast humanitarian aid expands to assist Australian Plastuny on the front, as well as Ukrainian plastuny, and the needs of displaced people due to the war.

Their needs are basic to survive – to eat, to be clothed, to stay warm. The current needs in Ukraine are many – medical, non-lethal and basic living.

With winter approaching the needs will become more intense – cold and hunger – холод та голод.

Donations via the Plast Australia War Appeal can be made here-
BSB 704 235
Account 4001 5175